The Journey Lyrics
Train, Train
Train train choo-choo train From the Blue Ridge Smoky Mountains on L&N's old rails
Someplace Green
Back in my hometown everything's green In this dirty ol' city everything's gray But every night I have the same sweet dream Comin' here baby was a big mistake But I close my eyes and it almost seems I feel the warm September sun They say up in Heaven everything's gold But down here tonight, heaven for me And I close my eyes and it almost seems
Bad Case Of Missing You
Lonely, come hold me, show me that you're lonely too I've been filling my time with whole lot
of nothin' I've tried every pill and magic potion
Saving Grace
Lately Grace hasn't been herself He believes way down deep she still knows who he is Raised five kids on a farmers pay The woman that he's loved for years
You Don't Have To Go Home (But You Can't Stay Here)
You don't have to go home Well there's a master time keeper
Old Familiar Love
She steps into a permanent spot formed by
his embrace As smooth as the passing of time they
move as one Soft as a whisper silent as a stone She reaches her hand back for his as they
walk off the floor They're lost in the sweet melody of an old familiar love