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    The Oaks give us yet another Christmas album. This is number 8. If  "7" is God's perfect number, He should really reconsider that, and possibly make it  "8", because this
album, in a word, is, "Wow!"  It is absolute perfection.

    I truly don't know how the boys keep doing it, but they consistently knock it out of the park album after album.  This offering is no exception. We have 10 songs of beautiful
harmonies, catchy choruses, fun lyrics, and heartfelt singing.

    As always, there are some fun, cute songs on here.  "Reindeer On The Roof," "Down Home Christmas," and "Don't Go Pullin' On Santa Claus' Beard" are a pure joy to
listen to and sing along with. "The Family Piano" is quite fun as well with some great harmonies.

    "Silent Night" is exactly what you'd expect...traditional and beautiful. The same can be said of "Amazing Grace" (dedicated to the late former president George H.W. Bush).

    William Lee Golden shines on the song "South Alabama Christmas."  I found these lyrics to be very unique in the best way possible.

    "Bring Daddy Home" pulls at the heart strings as it tells the story of a little boy who tells Santa and Jesus that he doesn't want toys for Christmas like all the other boys and
girls.  What he wants is his daddy to come home from overseas in the military.

    Then, we have, what I consider the two best songs on the CD.  First, the song "Angels" is absolutely stellar, as it encourages us that our Heavenly Father has deployed
angels to guard, protect and watch over us. Also, the song "Hallelujah Emmanuel" truly falls into the category of special.  This is an upbeat praise song that will have you tapping
your foot or clapping your hands.  Regardless of which of those you choose, you will definitely be singing along, and feeling your heart soar and praising the Lord.

    I cannot recommend this album enough.  I have listened to it about a dozen times at the time of this review, and I still can't get enough of it. So, time to go eat some chicken
and dumplings or some biscuits and gravy at Cracker Barrel and pick this fantastic CD up!



Outstanding Cuts: Angels, Hallelujah Emmanuel
Cut Outs: You won't find any here!


                                                                                       ---Edward Wille